
Generic Operators with kaleidoscope

When I implemented propaganda I was in need of generic operators with predicate dispatch. It wasn’t available in Clojure, and I had to spend a bit of time implementing it and to come up with a set of acceptable tradeoffs.

I have extracted the generic operator implementation from the propaganda library and it available separatly as the library kaleidoscope. The library offers two functions: generic-operator for creating a new generic operator, and assign-operation for assigning an operation to an existing operator. assign-operation is a destructive operation.

In this example we are creating our own version of the +-operator, which works on both numbers and strings.

(require '[kaleidoscope :refer (generic-operator assign-operation)])

(let [plus (generic-operator +)]
  (doto plus
    (assign-operation concat vector? vector?))
  [(plus 1 2)
   (plus [1 2 3] [4 5])])
;; => [3 (1 2 3 4 5)]

A more advanced example is the mixing of datatypes in basic operations.

(defrecord Interval
    [lo hi])

(defn make-interval
  "Returns a new closed interval from lo to hi."
  [lo hi]
  (Interval. lo hi))

(defn mul-interval
  "Multiplies the intervals. Assumes all limits are positive."
  [x y]
  (make-interval (* (:lo x) (:lo y)) (* (:hi x) (:hi y))))

(defn div-interval
  "Divides the intervals. Assumes all limits are strictly positive."
  [x y]
  (mul-interval x (make-interval (/ 1 (:hi y)) (/ 1 (:lo y)))))

(defn square-interval
  (make-interval (* (:lo x) (:lo x))
                 (* (:hi x) (:hi x))))

(defn sqrt-interval
  (make-interval (Math/sqrt (double (:lo x)))
                 (Math/sqrt (double (:hi x)))))

(defn interval?
  "Returns true iff x is an interval."
  (isa? (type x) Interval))

(defn ->interval
  "Ensures x is an interval. If x is already an interval, x is
  returned. If x is not, an interval from x to x is returned."
  (if (interval? x)
    (make-interval x x)))

(defn coercing
  "Returns a version of f that will coerce arguments using coercer
  before applying them."
  [coercer f]
  (fn [& args]
    (apply f (map coercer args))))

(def generic-mul (doto (generic-operator *)
                   (assign-operation mul-interval
                                     interval? interval?)
                   (assign-operation (coercing ->interval mul-interval)
                                     number? interval?)
                   (assign-operation (coercing ->interval mul-interval)
                                     interval? number?)))
(def generic-div (doto (generic-operator /)
                   (assign-operation div-interval
                                     interval? interval?)
                   (assign-operation (coercing ->interval div-interval)
                                     number? interval?)
                   (assign-operation (coercing ->interval div-interval)
                                     interval? number?)))
(def generic-square (doto (generic-operator (fn [x] (* x x)))
(def generic-sqrt (doto (generic-operator (fn [x] (Math/sqrt (double x))))

(generic-mul 2 3)
;; => 6

(generic-mul 2 (Interval. 3 4))
;; => {:lo 6, :hi 8}

(generic-mul (Interval. 2 3) (Interval. 3 4))
;; => {:lo 6, :hi 12}

(generic-square (Interval. 3 4))
;; => {:lo 9, :hi 16}

(-> (Interval. 10 20)
    (generic-mul (Interval. 10 80))
;; => {:lo 10.0, :hi 40.0}

The examples do not fully demonstrate the possibilities in the library as we could have achieved something similar with multimethods. Unlike multimethods, generic operators are not bound to a namespace, and they support arbitrary predicate dispatch, not just type dispatch (meta types or otherwise).

I would recomment studying the literature for more advanced usages of predicate dispatch.

For a discussion of the tradeoffs made in kaleidoscope, please see this blog post.

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